
Greenside Airfield (YGSD) is a single gravel runway of 1,350m in length and 20m wide – perfect for soft field take-offs and landings.

There is a parallel taxi way (alpha) on the northern side of the runway.

The runway direction is 090 and 270 with a field elevation of 194ft AMSL.

YGSD operates under a “Fly Neighbourly Policy” and has specific “No fly areas” that must be adhered to. Details of which, can be obtained from the Club on request.

It is important to note that we operate on the Pearce CTAF (Common Traffic Advisory Frequency) 118.3 Mhz outside of Pearce Tower operating hours. When Pearce is “active”, clearance is required from Pearce Tower on 118.3 prior to commencing any flights.